About us

Dr. Kathy Matara

Project Founder and Director


An environmental safety and health policy advocate, Dr. Matara received her PhD in Development of Consciousness, her Bachelor of Science (BSCI) from Maharishi European Research University (MERU), and her MA in Higher Education and Administration from Maharishi International University (MIU). 


Dr. Matara has been working on environmentally sustainable and human-friendly “Safe Technologies” since 2012. She spearheaded legal action to provide opportunities for Iowans to opt out of high-radiation smart meters and to keep their zero-radiation Analog utility meters. Dr. Matara provided testimony, and later worked as Attorney Pro Se before legislative, regulatory, and governing bodies at the local and state level.


Dr. Matara  has been voted Convener and US expert in SC41 by the US National Committee of IEC in the Working Group 7 (WG7), the working group that will write the technical standards for the proposed ocean network.


Matara serves as a designated United States voting representative on the following international committees out of Geneva, Switzerland:
The International Internet of Things (IoT)
The Underwater Internet of Things Committee (UIoT)
International Standards Organization (ISO)
International Electro-Technical Committee (IEC).


As a United States delegate representing Farance, Inc. New York, she is in a position to effect positive change for creating an environmentally safe underwater ocean communications and monitoring network. 


Matara has founded a dedicated non-profit 501c3 called “The Quiet Ocean Standards Initiative” which will collect donations to cover all of the expenses necessary for the successful completion of this campaign to create a safe, non-disruptive oceanwide underwater communications network.

Dr. Timothy Schoechle


Project Editor


Timothy Schoechle, Ph.D., CEO Smarthome Laboratories 
Dr. Schoechle is an international consultant in computer and communications engineering and in  technical standards development. He presently serves as Secretary of ISO/IEC SC25 Working Group 1,  the international standards committee for Home Electronic System and is a technical co-editor of several  new international standards related to the smart grid, including a new project on gateway cyber-security, privacy, and requirements for consumer electronics and Internet-of-Things applications. He also served as  Secretariat of ISO/IEC SC32 Data Management and Interchange, 2006–2015, and he currently  participates in a range of national and international standards bodies related to smart grid and to smart  cities technology and policy issues. 

As an entrepreneur, Dr. Schoechle has engineered the development of electric utility gateways and energy  management systems for over 25 years and has played a major role in the development of international  standards for home and building networks and for advanced metering infrastructure (AMI). He is  currently an active participant of the GridWise Architecture Council (GWAC) hosted by the Pacific  Northwest National Laboratories (PNNL), U.S. Department of Energy. He is also an active participant or  liaison in several smart grid-related technical committees hosted by the ISO and the IEC (including IEC  SyC Smart Cities, and IEC TC-57/WG21 (Power System Control and Associated  Communication/Interfaces and protocol profiles relevant to systems connected to the electrical grid). (Continued)

Patrick J.O. Miller  BSFS, BS, PhD


Principal Investigator

Patrick received his PhD in Biological Oceanography from the joint program of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in 2000.  Patrick used advanced beamforming techniques to study how killer whale groups use communication signals for his PhD dissertation, under the supervision of Peter Tyack.  In addition to studies of the natural behaviour of marine mammals, Patrick has conducted numerous studies of the effect of underwater noise on cetaceans (Google Scholar Profile) using advanced research tools including animal-attached tags.  Miller is currently Principal Investigator for effects of sonar on cetaceans in the highly productive 3S international research collaboration.




Curriculum Vitae

Victorine Lambert


Reasearch Associate

BS in Marine Biology and Oceanography, Bangor University, Wales: 
Ms. Lambert completed her degree in 2022 and will be pursuing graduate work in Marine  Biology, Bio Acoustics and Oceanography. She has served in various internships in the field and  has been serving as Researcher in scientific literature for Dr. Miller in this project.